Site icon Embrace Relief Foundation

Adopt a Refugee Family

Why Support the Adopt a Refugee Family?

This communication is a form of psychological support that allows the refugees to talk and get to know an American family that desires to help refugees to the best of their ability. The communication between the two families helps the refugees feel like they are a part of an international community and validates them as their story gets to be heard. Adopting a refugee family facilitates the rebuilding of social connections and interactions. If you are interested in symbolically adopting a refugee family, please fill out the form below to the best of your ability. Upon completion of the form, you will be contacted by an Embrace Relief representative who will provide information on the family you will be symbolically adopting. You will be expected to make a monthly donation of $500 directly to the family or to Embrace Relief who will transfer the funds to the family

Adopt a Family Today!
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