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Yemen Food Distribution

The poorest country in the Arab world, Yemen, has been experiencing numerous crises that none of us could ever imagine. 3.6 million Yemenis have had to flee their homes to elsewhere in the country, scores of attacks have left half of the nation’s medical facilities in tatters, and a cholera outbreak has sickened some 2.3 million Yemenis, killing nearly 4000, but the worst part was the humanitarian toll the war took on the country. The United Nations classifies nearly one-quarter of the population of 30 million is malnourished.

According to the UN, Yemen is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world! Then the coronavirus hit.

COVID-19 could break Yemen. They don’t have a functioning health system facing the pandemic. WHO is expecting for the coronavirus to infect about half of Yemen’s population and kill an estimated 30,000 to 40,000. But the number could be much higher if no one will be able to help them. According to BBC News, an estimated 2 million children are malnourished, including almost 360,000 children under five years old who are struggling to survive. With only half of the country’s 3,500 medical facilities fully functioning, almost 20 million people lack access to quality healthcare. And almost 18 million do not have enough clean water or access to the right sanitation. More than 40% of Yemeni households are estimated to have lost their primary source of income and, consequently, find it difficult to buy even the minimum amount of food, stated by The World Bank.

In partnership with a local Yemeni charity, Embrace Relief distributes much-needed food packages to alleviate hunger and combat wide-spread famine throughout the country. Each package has 25 kg of wheat flour, 5 kg of rice, 5 kg of sugar, and 2 liters of cooking oil. Most of these packages will be delivered directly to the doors of those in need, while others will get picked up by families from our distribution center. Each one of these packages costs $50 each, and we are knocking onto your kind hearts to help these vulnerable families because every single penny will make a difference.

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