Site icon Embrace Relief Foundation

Group FUNdraising – FAQ

Group FUNdraising – Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is it & where is it?

Embrace Relief is a humanitarian organization in Fairfield, New Jersey, that believes in humanity and compassion. We help people in need both domestically and globally and strive to bring solace to those affected by poverty, lack of healthcare, and insufficient education. We also tend to areas that have succumbed to crises and disasters such as hurricanes, fires, floods, or earthquakes. Group FUNdraising is a program implemented by Embrace Relief that allows groups to fundraise money for a campaign of their choosing. These campaigns include:

  • Water Well Projects
  • Orphanage Renovations
  • Library Renovation
  • School Supplies
  • Sponsor Cataract Surgeries
  • Certified Health Checkups

When a group decides to “adopt” a campaign, they have the opportunity to fundraise for a cause they are passionate about. Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to visit the country and place that they are fundraising for to see their program implemented (except for cataract surgeries). Currently, our main focus is on helping the development of countries in Africa. Some countries include Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Chad. However, due to the COVID-19 situation, all group fundraisers are now done online for the time being.

2. Who does it involve?

A group must consist of three or more volunteers. When a group decides to work with Group FUNdraising, they will officially become volunteers for Embrace Relief and for those they are serving. Depending on which program they choose, volunteers will have the opportunity to visit the place and site that they are fundraising for. They will be immersed in the culture of the place they are fundraising for, have the opportunity to meet and interact with new people, experience a new way of life, and develop an appreciation for others. Again, due to the COVID-19 situation, we unfortunately are not allowing volunteers to travel so all group fundraisers are now done online for the time being. This program goes beyond the volunteers and Embrace Relief. It affects the vulnerable people they help, college applications, job resumes, and the way volunteers view the world. The people that partner with Group FUNdraising help some of the more vulnerable populations who are in desperate need of humanitarian aid.

3. Why is it important?

Groups who participate in Group FUNdraising contribute to a worldwide effort to help those in need. In fact, the earlier a person starts, the better! Working on a group fundraiser for a sufficient period of time shows leadership, determination, dedication, and compassion. In addition, those who are 13-24 years old have the opportunity to sign up for the Congressional Award program. Those who are eligible will be able to be awarded Bronze, Silver, and Gold Certificates and Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals – depending on their amount of time put into volunteering and the set goals that are needed to be accomplished. This project is about having fun and helping out the communities, so the awards are recognition of all their hard work. Volunteering at Embrace Relief helps groups expand their experiences beyond their communities. Volunteering may also help members determine their career goals, refine skills, meet new people, and open doors for new opportunities. It can boost one’s career by allowing them to have previous experience that jobs often look for and expand one’s network. As a nonprofit organization, not only can a group further our mission but can be rewarded with volunteer hours while helping those in need. Group FUNdraising demonstrates leadership, commitment, time management skills, and compassion.

4. How you can be a part of it.

Those who wish to partake in Group FUNdraising can click this link to fill out an application. When a group decides to immerse themselves in this program, they will have the opportunity to gather their friends, club, sports team, congregation, choir, band members, etc. and make a difference around the world. After someone fills out the application (one application per group), it will be reviewed. Upon being accepted, they can begin fundraising for their chosen cause.

5. Additional Pointers for Students

If a student is under the age of eighteen, they will need an adult in the group to assist as the adviser or chaperone. When a group of students works with Group FUNdraising, they will officially become volunteers for Embrace Relief and for those who they are serving. Since the students will be immersed in the culture of the place they are fundraising for, they will have the opportunity to meet and interact with new people, experience a new way of life, and develop an appreciation for others. This program goes beyond the students and Embrace Relief. It affects the vulnerable people they help, college application, job resumes, and the way they view the world. This is because when young people volunteer, others notice it. The people that partner with Group FUNdraising help some of the most vulnerable populations in the world who are in desperate need of humanitarian aid. Furthermore, volunteering may also help students determine their career goals, refine skills, meet new people, and open doors for new opportunities. In addition, those who are v13-24 years old would be working alongside with the Congressional Award program. Those who are eligible will be able to be awarded Bronze, Silver, and Gold Certificates and Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals – depending on their amount of time put into volunteering and the set goals that are needed to be accomplished. It can boost their careers by allowing them to have previous experience that employers look for and expand one’s network. As a nonprofit organization, not only can a group help us expand our purpose to others, but can be rewarded with volunteer hours while helping those in need. Working on a chapter demonstrates leadership, commitment, good time management skills, and being passionate highlights what type of student they are. As college admissions and the workforce become more competitive, volunteering through Embrace Relief will help students stand out among other applications. Lastly, volunteering can help students recognize their passions as well. Because of the current COVID-19 situation, students are allowed to exchange a certain amount of donation into volunteer hours. $25 = 1 hour of volunteer, so we can help students curate their volunteer hours during this tough time.

Click here to see all Group FUNdraising Projects

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