Today, you can help a person see the beautiful the world we live in!
Approximately 2.2 million people suffer from cataracts in Africa, and 800,000+ suffer from the eye disease in Mali alone. While we performed 34,000 cataract surgeries, of which, 3,000 were sponsored by our generous donors like you, there are still 4000+ people waiting in our Cataract Surgery Waiting List who live in extreme poverty and needs your help.
A cataract is a progressive disease of the eye(s) that causes severe blurry or discoloured vision which can lead to complete blindness if not treated properly. It interferes with daily activities and can cause a person to have to re-learn tasks such as how to navigate around their home and village, eat, wash themselves, take care of their families, and live a fulfilling life.
Cataract surgery costs $100, which covers the cost of the health screenings for ten other people. If you’re able, we’d love it if you could make a donation of $100 to help us achieve our mission and give the ultimate gift of sight to someone living in darkness. Even if not, any amount would help us at our mission.
We have achieved our goal for this campaign.
We appreciate your ongoing support.