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Women’s Empowerment

Women’s Empowerment

Your donation to Embrace Relief’s Women’s Empowerment program is enabling the next generation of female leaders and entrepreneurs around the world.

Women’s Empowerment

Your support fuels a transformative journey, unlocking the immense potential within every woman and contributing to a more equitable and prosperous world for all.

R.I.S.E. (Tanzania)

Reach. Inspire. Support. Educate.

Embark on a journey of transformation with our R.I.S.E. program in Tanzania. Launched in 2021, R.I.S.E. awarded scholarships to 24 female teachers, empowering them to pursue advanced education in school administration and inspection. This two-year program is shaping the next generation of women leaders in Tanzania. Already, the next class of 24 students started in the fall of 2023, making 48 total women impacted. By supporting R.I.S.E., you're investing in education and leadership, laying the foundation for a more empowered and equal society.

48 women

impacted by R.I.S.E. program

L.E.A.R.N. (Afghanistan)

Learning and Education for Afghan girls’ Rights and Needs

In Afghanistan, the L.E.A.R.N. initiative is breaking barriers by providing high school and college-age girls with access to online education. Your contribution shapes a brighter future for these girls, offering opportunities for learning, growth, and empowerment. Already, 3 high school girls from Afghanistan are starting their education. Together, let's bridge educational gaps, empower Afghan girls, and promote gender equality through L.E.A.R.N..

3 girls

impacted by L.E.A.R.N. program

K.E.E.N. (Kenya)

Kenya Entrepreneurial Empowerment Network

K.E.E.N. supports women in Kenya as they take training courses to become skilled seamstresses. Beyond training, each graduate receives a sewing machine, paving the way for small business ownership and financial independence. 16 young women have already graduated the program, with 16 more on the way! In the spirit of fostering entrepreneurship, K.E.E.N. is not just about sewing; it's about weaving dreams and transforming communities. Your donation to K.E.E.N. nurtures a culture of empowerment and resilience among these women.

16 women

impacted by K.E.E.N. program

S.E.E.D. (Uganda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kenya, Afghanistan)

Sustainable Entrepreneurship through Eggs and Dairy

S.E.E.D. goes beyond livestock distribution; it's about cultivating success. Your support provides women in need with goats and chickens, laying the groundwork for sustainable agro-entrepreneurship. Already 65 families have had their lives changed by receiving livestock! By contributing to S.E.E.D., you're not only ensuring a source of nutritious eggs and dairy but also empowering women to run successful enterprises through comprehensive training in animal husbandry, business management, and market access.

In a world where opportunities for women's empowerment transform lives, your donations are the catalyst for change. Every dollar you contribute to Embrace Relief’s Women’s Empowerment programs represents a commitment to lifting women out of adversity, providing education, skill development, and economic independence. Your generosity is a testament to the limitless potential of women worldwide. Join us in shaping a brighter tomorrow through empowerment.

65 families

impacted by S.E.E.D. program

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