New Jersey Newcomers Support Fund
The United States is the world’s most sought after resettlement country for refugees. Just like refugees everywhere, refugees coming to the US often end up here without the means to start a new life – just happy enough to flee from the oppression and troubles in their home country.
The United States is a great country on welcoming refugees and asylees but provides limited funds and resources for refugees. After the initial resettlement period, they struggle heavily since there are not enough structured relief services for supporting their educational, social, and financial needs. One of the important challenges many newcomers face is to find a house to live and a job to start earning income. Since they do not have a credit history in the US, it is hard for them to rent a house.

To address this issue, as a continuation of our previous Embrace the Newcomers campaign, we are launching a new fundraiser in partnership with the Turkish Cultural Center and New World Volunteers to help these newcomers. This joint fundraiser specifically aims to provide funds for Turkish refugees and asylum seekers to rent a house, purchase basic needs, pay legal fees, and cover education costs.