Partnership Form

Thank you very much for reaching out and for your interest in partnering with Embrace Relief. We are honored to connect with individuals and organizations who not only care about our cause but are willing to take action to support it.

We would like to learn more about you and your organization to ensure we are a good fit for potential partnership. Please answer each question in the five-to-ten-minute survey below to the best of your ability. We appreciate your participation.

    Contact Information*

    Asterick ones (*) are required

    Company Information*

    How would you like to partner with Embrace Relief? (select all that apply) *

    [group other-selected]


    How did you first hear about Embrace Relief?

    Has your company ever supported a charity or cause before? If so, in what capacity and what were the outcomes?

    How many people does your company employ?

    What is anticipated donation amount per year?

    [group other-selected7]


    Who is the audience for your proposed partnership opportunity?

    [group other-selected8]


    What would you request of Embrace Relief in order to successfully execute your proposed partnership opportunity (select all that apply)?

    Please note that as a 501(c)3, Embrace Relief cannot engage in marketing or promotional activities on behalf of any other brand.

    [group other-selected9]


    Employee Giving and Match Gifts