400 Water Wells Built in Africa
We’ve done it. With your help and countless donors’ and volunteers’, we’ve constructed a whopping total of 400 water wells in Chad and Cameroon, Africa, supplying clean, sanitary water to more than 400,000 people who were lacking it. This could not be more important because much of sub-Saharan Africa is suffering due to lack of access to clean water, which leads to all kinds of humanitarian issues.
The Impact of Lack of Clean Water in Africa
Because millions of Africans must collect unsafe water from lakes, rivers, and ponds on a daily basis, they’re constantly infecting themselves with waterborne illnesses that either result in death or make them too sick to work or pursue an education.Many of them also spend up to six hours a day obtaining this water, especially women and young girls, forcing them to face danger and extreme weather conditions. This daily practice also steals valuable time they could be using to work or pursue an education. The fact this vastly impacts women and young girls is particularly noteworthy because studies show females contributing to the workforce and pursuing education increases gender equality, which in turn leads to economic growth. Therefore, due to Africa’s lack of access to clean water, the vast majority of it is suffering greatly from poor health and extreme poverty.

Fountains of Hope
Constructing 400 water wells in sub-Saharan Africa is a milestone to say the least, and we plan on building hundreds more throughout the region. Not only that, through our Fountains of Hope campaign, we’re reconstructing hundreds of non-functioning water wells, too, so we’re all about sustainability.
Start Your Own Water Well Project Today
By providing these African countries with clean, sanitary water, Embrace Relief has and will continue to drastically reduce the multitude of ill effects of unsanitary water in the region and improve overall health, sanitation, gender equality, and economic growth.Please consider funding your own clean water well project today, in which you can give your well a name and provide a description of the project to be posted on our site. By doing so, you’re not only providing hundreds of thousands of Africans with clean water, you’re providing them with life itself.
To start your own water well project, click here.
Start a Clean Water Project!
Quick Donation for Clean Water

Donate For Clean Water
**if you choose to donate $1,300, you will ensure the reconstruction of a water well – in your name (or any name you wish!) in Africa