Yemen Crisis 2021: The Yemen Crisis Facts

The Yemen Crisis is currently the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Among many other issues, it has led to the Yemen Famine. 17.8 million people in Yemen don’t know where their next meal is coming from, 8.4 million are considered at risk of starvation, and severe acute malnutrition is threatening the lives of almost 400,000 children under the age of five. In fact, over 11 million Yemeni children are in desperate need of aid. That’s nearly every single child in the Yemeni population! But why is the Yemen Crisis so debilitating? What is contributing to all of this human hardship?

The Yemen Humanitarian Crisis and Its Impact Explained

Since 2015, Yemen has been embroiled in conflict, resulting in airstrikes hitting many different parts of the country, with one every 99 minutes for the past three years to be exact. As expected, these airstrikes have had a number of very destructive effects, including:

  • Destroyed homes and public areas such as schools, markets, and health facilities, killing over a quarter of a million civilians, injuring thousands more, and leaving over 4 million people displaced.
  • Millions more suffer because the resulting destruction has cut off their access to healthcare and clean water. More than half of the country’s healthcare facilities have been destroyed, leaving over 19.7 million people without access to basic healthcare, and lack of access to clean water has led to the Yemen Water Crisis. 
  • The airstrikes make it difficult for humanitarian organizations to provide food and medical aid, which only exacerbates a deadly cholera outbreak that has already killed thousands of people.
  • Thousands of schools have shut down due to the conflict, keeping two million children out of the classroom. Plus, armed groups have occupied schools and displaced people use others for shelter. The latter is a part of the severe refugee crisis in the country, with over three million Yemenis displaced from their homes.
  • Left in vulnerable positions due to the conflict, young boys are being recruited as child soldiers, and young girls are forced into early marriages.

How We Are Aiding the Situation

In response to all this turmoil, Embrace Relief is distributing as many food packages as possible to those affected by the crisis in Yemen. Since 2020, we’ve distributed over a thousand food packages to hungry people in Yemen, but there are still so many more who need help! So, please consider donating today to provide them not only the nutrition they desperately need, but hope for a brighter future. That’s part of our Year-End Resolutions, anyway.

About Our Year-End Resolutions

A take on New Year’s Resolutions, our Year-End Resolutions is something you can do—right here, right now—that has an impact before the year is officially over. For example, contributing to one of Embrace Relief’s many humanitarian causes (check them all out here). And the best thing is—by doing so, you’ll officially make 2021 a great year. Not just for yourself, but for people who urgently need support but have nowhere and no one to turn to, because together, we can provide the resources needed to change and save lives. Happy Year-End!